

Triggered when the player data has fully loaded


Triggered when the player is fully spawned in the world


Triggered when the player unloads - this can be on /logout or leaving


Triggered when the player receives a local OOC message

-- sourcePos: position of the player submitting the message
-- playerName: display name of the player
-- message: message content


Triggered on use of a server callback and runs the set callback function

This is a framework utility event and shouldn't used in general scripting

-- name: server callback anme
-- cbId: callback unqiue id
-- agruments...


Triggered on use of a server callback and runs the set callback function

-- name: server callback anme
-- cbId: callback unqiue id
-- agruments...


Triggered when an item is used, this is then sent to the server.

This is a framework utility event and shouldn't used in general scripting

-- item: name
-- slotIndex: index of the item


Triggered when removing a vehicle

This is a framework utility event and shouldn't used in general scripting

-- veh: network vehicle id


Triggered when removing a entity

This is a framework utility event and shouldn't used in general scripting

-- id: network entity id


Shows a UI allowing a player to copy data to their clipboard.

-- data: data to be presented/copied
-- title: title of the data (not coppied)


Used to sync player data between players

This is a framework utility event and shouldn't used in general scripting

-- players: array of player data


Used to add a player's data to the client's player cache

This is a framework utility event and shouldn't used in general scripting

-- src: player's source
-- ply: player's data


Used to remove a player's data to the client's player cache

This is a framework utility event and shouldn't used in general scripting

-- src: player's source


Used to update the client's player cache with the player's selected citizenid

This is a framework utility event and shouldn't used in general scripting

-- src: player's source
-- citizenid: player's citizenid


Toggle the player's HUD

-- reason: reason for hiding HUD

Last updated